CSS Quick Tip: Line Breaks in Flexbox Multi-line mode

Took my quite a while to find this, because it’s hardly mentioned anywhere except as a note on the Mozilla Developer Network: When you are using a flexbox layout in multi-line mode (e.g. the ‘flex-wrap’ property is set to wrap), you can force flex items to start on a new line by setting the ‘page-break-before’ …

CSS trick: Setting background color of a selected HTML option element

Update 02.02.2018: As noted by Tom this now only works when the attribute multiple is set. Have you ever wanted to set the background color of a selected OPTION element of a drop down ? Unfortunately, setting the CSS background-color property does not work for (most/all?) browsers, but there is a workaround using the background-image …

Changing cursor to wait while request is in progress

Switching cursor to ‘wait’ and back to ‘default’ is tricky since some elements such as link, input or button have a different default style. Setting it back to ‘auto’ does not work in Firefox, but to an empty string works. Here’s how you would do it with dojo: require([‘dojo/_base/connect’, ‘dojo/query’], function(connect, query) { // change …