Mutter mit Kind
Ein Affenmutter trägt ihr Kleines auf dem Rücken am Bach entlang.
- name: Japanmakak - Japanese Macaque
scientific name: Macaca fuscata
- dimensions: x px
- date:
- order number: 8055
- file name: 2018-09-Japan-189.jpg
- place: Tsuchihashi, Yomase, Togari, Norimawashi, Yokokura, Sano, Yudanaka, Nagano, Hirao
- country: Japan
technical information (Exif)
- type of film: digital
- model: Nikon SUPER COOLSCAN 5000 ED, Nikon
- position (GPS):
- hight (GPS): m a.s.l.
database information
- added: 29.03.2019 17:27:10
- changed: 29.03.2019 17:27:42
- published: 29.06.2019 14:48:34
This photo is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike.
© Photo Simon Speich, For a commercial licence or higher resolution please contact the author.