Grüne Löcher im Würfel wird von zwei grossen Löchern durchbrochen und wurde vom Architekturbüro Jakob + Macfarlane entworfen.
- keywords: Architektur, Boot
- name: -
scientific name:
- dimensions: 5472 x 3648 px
- date: 23.09.2020 11:15:45
- order number: 8654
- file name: 2020-09-Lyon-041.jpg
- place: Lyon
- country: France
Coordinates are not shown to protect the site/nature.
technical information (Exif)
- exposure: 1/250 at ƒ4.0
- ISO: 100
- focal length: 15.5 mm, distance :
- program: Program AE, Multi-segment
- VR:
- flash: Off, Did not fire
- lens:
- model: DSC-RX100M5A
- position (GPS):
- hight (GPS): m a.s.l.
database information
- added: 14.11.2020 10:49:50
- changed: 14.11.2020 10:51:58
- published: 15.11.2020 12:46:36
This photo is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike.
© Photo Simon Speich, For a commercial licence or higher resolution please contact the author.